الأربعاء، 19 أكتوبر 2016

10 Early Signs for Lupus Rash

10 Early Signs for Lupus Rash:

What’s Lupus Rash?

It’s the disease that affects the autoimmune system accompanied by many signs and symptoms. In addition to the inflammation it has, lupus affects individuals differently. People with lupus rash come across two kinds of symptoms: mild or severe. Absolutely, the signs of each affect people differently.
Normally, the signs of lupus rash start to appear at the adulthood stage; at any year from teen years up to 30s. early signs of lupus rash can be easily dismissed and got rid of because people with lupus rash face flare-ups of symptoms followed by periods of remission.
Unfortunately, symptoms of lupus rash are similar to those of other people. Therefore, having these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that you suffer from lupus rash.
Here are top 10 signs for lupus rash:

First: Fatigue:
According to John Hopkins Lupus Center, 90 % of people suffering from fatigue experience different levels of fatigue.
Second: Unexplained Fever:
One of the earliest symptoms of lupus rash is to have a low-grade fever without any clear reason.
Third: Hair Loss:
It’s also one of the earliest signs of having lupus rash. It’s a normal and expected result of the inflammation of the skin or the scalp.
Forth: Skin rash or lesions:
One of the most obvious symptoms of lupus rash is the appearance of butterfly-like rash over the bridge of the nose as well as the cheeks.
Fifth: Pulmonary issues:
Not only the lungs can be inflamed, but also the swellings extend to include the blood vessels.
Sixth: Kidney inflammation:
Inflammation of the kidneys makes it harder for both kidneys to filter toxins and waste from blood.
Seventh: painful and swollen joints:
Inflammation is accompanied by pains, stiffness and obvious swellings in the joints especially in the morning. It starts mild, but gradually it gets more and more serious and severe.
Eight: Gastrointestinal problems:
Some people with lupus rash experience occasional gastrointestinal problems such as: heartburn, acid indigestion or other gastrointestinal problems.
Ninth: Thyroid problems:
This symptom is very common for people with lupus rash. Normally, thyroid helps to control your body’s metabolism. Poor functioning of thyroid would affect other body parts such as: brain, heart, brain, kidneys and liver.
Tenth: Dry mouth, dry eyes:
It’s normal for people with lupus rash to have dryness in mouth and eyes. That’s because some people with lupus rash develop Sjogren’s syndrome which is another autoimmune disease. 

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